Pope Francis at the World Youth Day in Poland – the sound system for the 2.5 million pilgrims (Outline / Powersoft / Optocore)29.07.2016 Such an installation of loudspeaker brand Outline – and any other – the world hasn’t seen yet. There’s a hint of exaggeration. If you take a statistically 2 persons per 1 m2, the organizers have prepared an area for 5 million. People. In Brzegi near Cracow on the World Youth Day, Giant Sound hung on FOH and 66 layer towers – including 2 doubles and altar plus the stage – a total of more than 600 Outline modules. Distance from the papal altar and two scenes to the most distant tower layer was 1650 meters! This means that cover area reached 1,800 meters from the altar – one way. Because in the second trumpeted area reached 1,050 meters. The area of WYD in Brzegi was more than 5 times greater than the WYD at Blonie Park in Cracow. This shows the scale of the project, right? Radek Barczak And all of this to ensure the pilgrims a good sound during: liturgy with the participation of Pope Francis, the prayers and concerts with symphony orchestra with a powerful choir section consists of 300 people, soloists and music bands on the second stage. A predicted by the organizers of World Youth Day number of pilgrims is expected to exceed 2.5 million people… Cover area is impressive. Layer zones are spreading from the main altar and two scenes. They spread in two main directions. The farthest layer – as I wrote in the introduction – is 1,650 meters from the altar! The second 1,050 meters… Such a distance requires approximately 4.8 seconds delay! Testing once power amplifier Powersoft, I was wondering who needs the 5 seconds delay line in DSP… Now I know 🙂
In each tower “lives” Optocore processor, which on the one hand, converts the digital signal from the optical fiber fed into an electric AES / EBU to the terminals, and on the other hand, transmits a digital signal after the optical fiber to the next device in the next layer tower. Otherwise Optocore used to send control data in the network layer. As pointed out in an interview with Paweł Zakrzewski from Giant Sound | Letus – chief engineer of the transmission system signals to the sound systems during WYD in Brzegi – It is the world’s largest installation of Optocore (!!!) and PA, based on the Powersoft terminals, where all amplifiers are clipped and controllable from within the application Powersoft Armonia. When designing the network and Optocore rings, it was necessary to take into account the fact that Optocore fiber provides the “only” 100 Mbit / s transfer to the LAN … With this amount of terminals and control data, we had also to take this into account 🙂 Because all terminals are in on-line operation 🙂 Amazing… Offer of Gigant Sound won, because it turned out that the project based on the Outline sets, requires the least amount of modules to meet the design requirements. Giant Sound company had at its disposal following Outline Series: GTO, GTO C12, Butterfly and Mantas. For simplicity and to show the amount of equipment required specified “conversion factors” in the form of a model of efficiency of Outline Mantas. In keeping with this “conversion” in a configuration that meets the requirements of the project should be found nearly 1,000 Mantas modules. They used 72 GTO (3.5 Mantas), 120 GTO C12 (2 Mantas), 164 Butterfly (1.5 Mantas) and 224 Mantas modules. Depending on cover area, they were suspended appropriate length arrays in carefully selected angles. Arrays hung at a height of 12.5 and 13 meters. All the arrays were powered by Powersoft amplifiers. The team used 34 pieces of Powersoft X8, about 200 pieces of Powersoft K10 and K20 and 3 racks of T series amplifiers. Gigant Sound before World Youth Day has provided a total of 66 Powersoft X8 terminals – the original plan was to use these terminals in the layer towers. Unfortunately, life writes her own scripts – Outline Butterfly which they lent, came with different connections from those used by Gigant Sound and there was no possibility of adapting the wiring. So they used also the older models of amplifiers. The area in Brzegi is… shores wetland areas, with bays and ponds within the cover area. Some areas could not be reached at all – there was so wet ground. To put layer towers they tried to hammer wooden piles, only to have laid the basis for the reinforced concrete slabs… Not everywhere, even this approach gave to apply. Fortunately, it came a couple of very hot days and the area had-dry enough to be able to drive heavy equipment to install the layer towers and lay cable installations – electric and fiber. In all of this, there was also the GSM network infrastructure… In order to ensure the right amount of power, it created specially transformer station serving WYD Brzegi. I was involved in the installation of the last few arrays in Brzegi – 8 hours I accompanied a team when they hang a array consists of 6x Outline GTO C12 on layer near zone Zero where were the main altar and stage, and second 12x Outline Butterfly on one of the last layers, in a distance of 1500 meters from the altar… I took part in channeling another array consists of 12x Outline Butterfly (according to the project to ensure coverage consistent with the assumptions) and the launch of two arrays and listening tests. To realize the enormity of the task is worth saying that the same arrays hanging on 66 layers and 6 Quick Steel towers which had a height of over 16 meters it took five days, of which the first three days worked 5 teams, and the next two days, only 3 teams. The teams were international – with the participation of Italian, Hungarian and two Irish … I admit that watching them work was a real pleasure. Professionals. Everyone knew what to do, no questions asked. As it was necessary to move slightly hanging array of 12x Butterfly, everyone immediately moved without special invitation. It was known what to do. A real team work 🙂 As for the scale – the distance from the warehouse to the last zones exceed 2.8 km. In a straight line … and navigate through muddy terrain was not easy. And those bumps…. Sometimes without the 4×4 was really hard 🙂 In these circumstances, in five days, they suspended 66 angled and targeted arrays on 60 layers and 6 quick steels… Respect. The effect surpassed even the expectations… of the system designer Eng. Wojciech Ciesielka. During the measurements, it turned out forexample that the systems provide noticeably more headroom than required by the project. During the measurements, for example of Outline GTO and GTO C12 arrays, it turned out that there was maintained frequency response up to 14 kHz (to 140 meters of distance), and a distance of 250 meters – 12 kHz. It can confirm Mr. Wojciech Ciesielka. On the big WYD stage stood 300-member choir, more than 100-strong symphony orchestra section and soloists. Together from the left main stage at FOH flowed over 280 channels (5 SD-Racks with 56 channels each)! To handle large scene FOH , Gigant Sound used 3 DiGiCo SD5 consoles, behind which sat under the direction of Andrzej Sterna – Krzysztof Polesiński and Arek Wielgosik. On the large stage monitors stood three Yamaha PM1D consoles – two used to operate the monitors, one as a backup… On monitors worked Tomasz Zajma and Olo Kęsicki. We should emphasized the excellent work throughout the technique – a large stage suit Mariusz “Zwierzak” Łuczak, and the second Łukasz “Rozi” Rozmiarek. Head of the entire technical team was Marcin “Zapas” Szafrański.
On scenes dominated d&b audiotechnik M4, L-Acoustics 115XT HiQ and EAW LA212. And as a side-fill for the Pope was prepared 8 Shure Series 58 microphones, 5 of which is certified (3 on altar, one-on seatpost, one in the pulpit). It was all need to align the time… The width of the altar and scenes exceeds 200 meters … It’s almost the length of two football fields. As the communication consoles which were coupling signals from FOH used Yamaha CL5 tensed on DANTE. Central CL5 console of system engineer Paweł Zakrzewski was equipped with a Optocore card. We are preparing a solid two interviews – with the head of Gigant Sound, Jerzy Taborowski and Paweł Zakrzewski – chief systems engineer for WYD in Brzegi. In the meantime, we invite you to see photos from the installation of systems and tests on FOH! Implementation: Gigant Sound | LETUS
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